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Why become a patron?

Patrons are the unsung heroes of organisations such as ours. Basically, a patron is someone who supports the Choir financially through voluntary donations. This helps us to continue arranging concerts and performing for a large variety of people, groups and charities across the UK and, occasionally, the globe.

As we are a registered charity (no. 1021994), you can also donate money to BMVC tax-free, through the Government's Give As You Earn scheme. For further details speak with your employer for information on how to do this.

The Choir would be pleased to hear from anyone wishing to become a patron. Please contact the secretary below in the first instance whilst the new committee is formed. Thank you for you patience.

 A copy of the Patrons application form will be available soon.

If you are interested in becoming a Vice President, please contact our Secretary who will be more than pleased to give you more details.

Choir contact

Choir Secretary - Mr Geraint York

In the first instance email: blaenavonmvc@gmail.com

Tel: 07402 934727