A Spring Splash

In April 2007 Gwent was awash with yellow oilseed rape flowers as spring came weeks early that year.
This article from the South Wales Argus shows Rachel surrounded by the flowers in a field at Lower Machen.
Farmer Paul Rymer, of Ifton Hill Farm, Caldicot, said: "It's all out in flower very early this year, it's very unusual.
"We are having a lot of problems with the warmer weather in April. We'll need to spray the crop twice instead of once and grass seed is probably going to dry out because it hasn't had any rain."
The forecast over the next 24 hours was for more dry weather with sunny intervals, staying warm with maximum temperatures of 17 degrees Celsius or 63 degrees Fahrenheit.
(Photo and quote from Farmer Paul Rymer first Published in the South Wales Argus newspaper 18th April 2007)