Welcome to Rachel Rice BB9

Rachel won Channel 4's Big Brother 9 UK reality television show on the 5th September 2008. She was the first ever Welsh Big Brother winner and the first ever female Head of House in the history of the UK Channel 4 series.
OK Magazine 2016 published an update 'Remember Big Brother winner Rachel Rice? This is what she's doing now'.
It includes a clip of her and Mikey together when Davina announced who the winner was.
Rachel Coming Out of the Big Brother House - allegedly this was the first and last time that previously evicted housemates were left still wearing their microphones just before the winner left the house.
If you want more information about her time in the Big Brother house or want to know what she is doing now please visit the links below.
Since winning Big Brother 9 in 2008 Rachel Rice has continued her career in education teaching performing arts (drama and music) and achieving an Master Degree in Education. She still lives and teaches in Cwmbran, she was married in 2011 and is now raising her 2 amazing sons with her husband Richard.
The About Me section is about Rachel and the Wales On Sunday Idol section has newspaper clippings on the competition that she took part in.
If you type www.rachel-rice.co.uk into your browser address bar it will bring you directly to this page.
Please remember that all images of Rachel on this site are the property of Rachel Rice and must not be used for commercial purposes without written permission.
Email: Julia.rice@ntlworld.com